There is now abundant science and research to validate the use of genetic testing for even more precise individualization of therapies including weight loss. We all know that genes determine physical traits such as eye and hair color. Genes also provide information on how the body is able to process different foods and provide energy for exercise. Therefore, genetic makeup is an important determinant of weight loss. Genes can determine resistance to weight loss, how well the body is able to process carbohydrates and how sensitive it is to the amount of fat and protein present in the diet. Genes can also determine how much body fat can be lost doing cardiovascular exercise and how the body will respond to strength training.


GxSlim is a scientifically based weight management program that assesses specific gene segments in order to provide optimal dietary and exercise recommendations for the individual. The test is easily performed in our office with a cheek swab. Our health and nutrition coach will review the results and put together a customized plan to optimize weight loss and improve overall health and well-being.


Please call or email to schedule an appointment. Phone: 860-677-4600  Email:



Thanks to new advances in technology, many individuals are using services to test their DNA. Some of the simple and inexpensive saliva tests today can measure up to 602,000 pieces of your DNA.


This is an important development because everyone has some level of genetic variation in their DNA, even though it was once thought to be a rare occurrence. Variants in DNA can impact your ability to make and use different nutrients critical for reducing inflammation, healthy circulation, promoting a strong immunity, supporting emotional health, proper removal of the dangerous toxins we are exposed to as well as slowing the aging process.


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Please call or email to schedule a test. Phone: 860-677-4600  Email:


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