Functional Medicine is a science-based approach to health care that involves looking at each patient as a whole being with interconnected systems that function best when they are all in balance. The goal of Functional Medicine is to prevent and treat complex chronic disease and to promote optimal health and well-being. Patient assessment is comprehensive and focuses on the biochemical and psychosocial uniqueness of each individual.



The ultimate health care goal is to have the best possible health with full physical, mental and emotional functioning well into old age. Healthy aging (health span) can be achieved by planning for health through preventive care and addressing symptoms which are a sign of dysfunction in the body as soon as they arise. To determine the biochemical and hormonal imbalances underlying symptoms specialized Functional Medicine testing is performed. The information obtained from these tests is used to customize therapies that provide the body with what it needs to heal and repair.


Weight loss is often a natural consequence of this approach. Achieving ideal lean body mass reduces the risk of chronic disease and helps to extend both health span and lifespan.



Studies suggest that 70-90% of all chronic disease is a direct result of lifestyle choices. This means that even small changes in eating, exercise, sleep and stress management habits, as well as reducing exposure to environmental toxins such as those in personal care and cleaning products can dramatically influence whether disease, or the symptoms leading to disease, will develop.  Incorporating positive lifestyle changes may even allow some patients to reduce or eliminate the use of prescription medications.



Lifestyle change is now recommended as "first line therapy" for treating many chronic diseases including: heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's. These illnesses, along with symptoms such as chronic aches and pain, fatigue, "brain fog," sugar cravings, anxiety, depression, insomnia, headaches, inability to lose weight, constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating can ALL be effectively managed using a therapeutic lifestyle program.


Food is medicine and it provides information to our genes. Genes provide instructions for the body to make different proteins and cells and therefore have a direct impact on health. We all have genetic potential for different disease states. Food and lifestyle can alter genetic expression in a way that favors health not disease.



The process begins with an invitation to our online patient portal to fill out a variety of health history forms. Dr. Cherrone will review these forms at the visit, perform a physical exam, analyze body composition results and discuss which Functional Medicine testing would be appropriate based upon medical history. Patients should expect to spend 2 hours with Dr. Cherrone during the initial visit and more time may be required for complex cases.  She will also make dietary, lifestyle and supplement recommendations at the first visit which will be further refined based upon future test results.


All new patients are required to have a consultation with our health and nutrition coach, Kathy Beach, approximately one week after both the initial and first follow up appointments. We have found that patients benefit greatly from the support and guidance given by Kathy in implementing Dr. Cherrone's action plan.


The first follow-up visit with Dr. Cherrone is approximately 2-4 weeks after the initial appointment depending upon which testing has been done. She reviews all test results with the patient and then formulates a personalized treatment plan.


Dr. Cherrone and her team will guide you through the process answering questions, providing support, education and encouragement along the way.

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